
Maddox, Annie 0-1

Maguire, Jessica 0-1

Mahoney, Bryce 0-2

Mailberg, Amanda 0-1

Majano, Jose 1-1

Malone, Chad 2-0
Maltais, Cody 4-5

Manley, Corbin 2-0
​Manuel, Braylon 5-2

Marie, Ava 1-0

March, Jacob 0-1

​Marlowe, Brent 1-0

Martin, Anthony 1-0
Martin, Dylan 4-4

​Martin, Kyle 1-0

​Martin, Matthew 1-0

​Martin, Patrick 0-1

​Martin, Robert 0-1

​Martinez, Angelica 2-0

Martinez, Valerie 4-2

Martino, Justin 1-1
Massai, Austin 0-1

Massaro, Christian 1-4
Masterson, Kevin 1-5
Matalon, Maia 2-0

Martinez, Estevan 0-1

Mathew, Nicole 2-0
Mattson, Leilani Anne 0-2
Maverick, Miranda 3-0
Maynard, Nick 1-1

Mazz, Nick 0-1

McAuliffe, Gabriella 2-1

McBride, Brandon 0-1

​McCall, Alicia 2-0

McCleary, Sean 1-0

McDowell, Maggie 1-0

McCarty, Keelee 1-0

McClelland, Ashley 1-0

McCoy, Chelsea 1-1
McDonald, Brad 0-1

McDonald, Ian 1-0

McGinley, Mike 0-1
McGregor, Pete 0-1

McKenna, Shannon 0-3

McMasters, Bobby 1-1
McMahon, Steven 1-1
McNamara, Tim 0-2

McNeely, Austin 1-1

McPhater, Dakota 3-4

Melo, Glayton 2-0
Mercado, Frankie 0-1

Merullo, Colleen 2-0

Meroth, Zakkary 4-2

Messer, Matt 3-1
Metropolit, Melanie 0-1

Miyao, Joao 1-0

 *Current World Champion

​Millares, Cathryn 1-0
Miller, Brian  1-0

Miller, Isabella 3-0

Miller, Lissa 0-1
Miller, Matthew 1-1

Miller, Patricia 0-1

​Mills, Charmaine 0-2

Mills, Miranda 0-1

Mitchell, Katherine 0-1

Mitrovic, Lizz 0-1

Mizell, Roland 1-1

Moeller, Luke 0-1
Monroe, Isaiah 2-3

Mor, Zach 2-2

Morais, Andreza 0-1

Morelli, Vincent 2-0

Moretz, Matt 0-1

Motley, Jon 0-1
Mtika, Eric 0-2

Milholand, ​Brianna 0-1

Mulholland, Kegan 2-0
Murdock, CJ 5-3
Murdock, Josh 4-5

Murray, James 1-0

​Murray, Mike "Magic" 4-4

Murrin, Matt 0-1

Musselmani, Hammoudi 1-2

​Muttalib, Rehan 1-0

Najar Xavier 1-0

Nasir, Aqil 3-1

​Nau, Naomi 1-0

Naz, Rayyan 0-1

Neese, Julia 1-0

Nguyen, Alex My 3-0

  Current Lightweight World Champion

​Nerion Zekaj 0-1

Nielson, Brian 3-3

Noda, Lisa 1-1

Norris, Avery 1-0

O'Brien, Christian 3-4

Oakley, Ryan 2-0

Ocasio, Junny 1-0

​Ogburn, Austin 0-1

Ogden, Michael 1-0 

Ojeda, Neil 1-0

Oliviera, Luis 1-0

​Olvera Mark 0-1

​Olsen, Davin 2-0

Omura, Aito 1-0

​Onuffer, Evan 0-2

Onuoha, Julian 2-0

​Oor, Emily 3-0

Ortiz, Jazz 0-2

Outten, Travis 1-0
Owens, D’Juan 5-2

Oxendine, Mike 0-2

Paasche-Orlow, Jonah 2-2

Pace, Trey 2-2

Paixao, Fredson 0-1

Palmisciano, Suzy 0-1

Panella, Jake 1-0

​Parker, Roland 0-1

Parks, Jason 0-1
Patches, Frankie 0-1

​Paul Sone, Leah 3-0

Paul, Pascale 1-0

Paynter, Philip  8-1

Peace, Tucker 1-3

​Pearson, David 2-0

Pelzel, Scott 2-0

Pena, Ace 1-0
Pendergrass, Guy 0-1

Pennypacker, Joey 2-1

​Pepi, Erika 3-1

Perissos, Zoe 0-3

Pettignano, Angie 0-1

Pettijohn, Brandon 1-0

Phillips, Will 2-0
​Phungephorn, Nakapan 1-0

​Piercy, Jeff 1-0

Piper, John 1-0

​Pittman, Briggs 1-2

​Plyler, Joey 0-1

​Pogash, Dabiel 0-1

Polansky, Jacob 4-3

Pompeo, Angelo 0-1

Pomranky, Colleen 0-1
Porsch, Laurie 1-0

Portagallo, Gracie 0-3
Porter, David 2-4

Poteat, Dahlion 0-1
Poteat, JoJo 0-1

Powell, Michael 0-1

Powers, William 0-1

Prado, John 1-2

Presson, Rachel 0-1

Price, April 0-1

Price, Trevor 1-1

Priestley, Alex 0-2
Propst, Laban 1-0

​Pross, Emily 1-2 

Quinene, Carson 3-2

Quinn, Kelly 0-1

Radford, Carma 0-1

​Rae, Randy 0-1

Ramalho, Diego 2-0

  Current NoGi World Champion

   & Current Black Belt World Champion

Ramey, Whitt 1-0

​Ramirez, Joanalicia, 2-1

​Reis, Wilson 1-0

   Current World Champion

Reina, Santiago Forero 0-1

Reeves, Collier 0-1
Rehner, Isaac 4-3

 *Former World Champion

Reid, Desmund  0-1

Rein, Robert 1-0

​Renk, Luke 0-1

Reynolds, Jack 2-1

Rhue, Travis 1-4
Rice, Kim Rice 3-2

 *Former World Champion

Richardson, Samuel 0-1

Ricketts, Kasey 1-0

Riggs, Amanda 1-0
Rinaldi, Jordan 0-1

​Rios, Derving 1-0

​Rios, Maria 0-1

​Ripoll, Yesinia 1-2

Ritchie, Neal 2-5

Rivera, Raymond 1-1

​Roberts, Coty 1-0

Robertson, Tracey 0-1

Rocha, Guilherme 1-0

  *Current Middleweight World Champion
Robinson, Josh 1-4

Robinson, Morgan 1-1

Rodriguez, Liam 0-2

Rodriguez, Stephanie 0-1
Romero, Kenny 1-1

Rosa, Alicia 0-1
​Rosado, Ray 0-1
Rosario, Heather Daneila 0-1

​Roseman, Anna 1-0

Royall, Jesse 0-1

Rudder, Duane 2-3

Russo, Anthony 0-1
Ryan, Nicky 1-0

Ryan, Paul 1-1

Sacra, Elija 0-1

​Salata, Julia 4-1

Sales, Shelton 3-0

Saller, Chance, 1-0

Sanda, Michael 0-1
Sandlin, Daniel 1-0
Santiago, Chico 0-2

​Santos, Adrienne 0-1

Sanyer, Jonathan 0-1

Sarotte, Logan 0-2

​Sautkulis, Vlad 0-1

Satterfield, Kevin 0-3

​Saunders, Adrienne 5-1

Sausser, Samson 0-1
Sausser, Taylor 6-4

Savage, Ryan 2-2
Saxton, Richard 1-2

Schell, Aaliyah 0-3
Schell, John 5-7

​Schell, Samantha 5-4

​Schnitzler, Jillian 4-2

Schroder 0-4

Schroder, Kevin 0-2

Scope, Jose 8-1
Screeton, Rick 1-0

​Seagraves, Brittany 0-2

Seccia, Hector 1-0

Sellers, Justin 0-1

Senn, Wesley 0-1

Severenchuk, Serge 0-1

Shanahan, Kiernan 4-0

 Battle of Blue Belts Champ

Shaw, Jeff 0-1

Shaw, Nate 0-3

Sheppey, Melissa 3-1

Shobin, Timothy 0-1

Siefring, Kimmie 0-1
Silber, Andrew 1-0

Silva, Sandrey 1-0

​Simpson, Bianca 2-3

​Simpson, Cory 2-2

Simpson, Tulsa 0-2

​Sims, Darian 0-1

Sistrunk, Darrion 0-2

​Slyman, Sam 2-3

Skaggs, Grafton 0-1

​Smith, Aidan 1-2

​Smith, Harold 1-0

Smith, Theo Kirby 0-1

​Smith, Kyle 0-1

Smith, Seph 2-1
Smith, Tyler 2-2

Snyder, Deven 1-1
Solecki, Joe 2-0

 *Current Middleweight Nogi World Champion

Somersette, Robert 1-2

Song, Adam  0-1

​Sotille, Dale 1-2

​Soto, Adrian 1-0

Sousa, Gabriel 3-0

 * Current Lightweight World Champion

Southard, Dallas 0-1

Souza, Julia 1-0

Spangler, Sean 0-2

​Sparks, Kris 0-2

Speight, Jay 0-2

​Spellman, Jon 1-0

Spicher, Krista 0-2
Spirito, Nick 1-2

Spott, Billy 1-0

​Srey, Donald 0-1

St. John-Dorsey, Aylissa 0-1

Stackhouse-Morson, Becca 0-1

Strader, Chris 0-1 
Standfield, Jeffrey 0-1

Stanley, Clinton 2-0

Stauffer, Brody 0-1

​Steen, Ryan 0-2

Stefanko, Jeremy 1-0

​Stepanski, Chris 0-1

Stephens, George 2-0
Stevens, Chad 0-1
Stevens, Devin 0-1

Stevens, Tristan 0-2

Stewart, Andrew 1-1

​Stocks, Colin 1-1

​Stone, Samuel 1-0

​Suttenfield, Kaitlyn 1-0

​Sutton, Anthony 1-1

Swann, Jimmy 0-1

Swanson, Terrin 0-1

Takemura, Riley 1-0

Tatem, Rachel 0-1

Taylor, Austin 0-1
Taylor, Blake 1-0

Templin, Tyler 0-2 
Telford, John “Bagels”  1-1

​Teramoto, Evan 0-1

Tetterton, Abbi 4-1
Thigpen, Steven 1-1

Thornblom, Keith 1-1

​Tieman, Matthew 0-1

Tipton, Owen 4-3

Tomlinson, Chloe 5-2

Toney, Khailey 1-2

Toney, Khamren, 0-1

​Tovey, Tanner 1-0

Trent, Justin 0-1
Trujillo, Kyle 0-3
Tu, Chela 3-0

​Tucci, Erin 1-0

Turner, Elizabeth 0-2

Turnmire, Blayne 1-3

Twiddy Daniel 2-0

Tyagi, Abhishek 1-0
Tyler, Malikai 1-2

​Vassall, Olodin 0-1

Velazquez, Yared 3-1

Vaughn, Justin 0-1

Vickers, Maka 1-2
Vivian, Walker 0-1

Vu, Tung 2-3

​Walker, Ben 1-0

Walker, Chance 0-2
Walker, Charlie 1-0

Walker, Dalton 0-2
Walker, Greg 5-3

​Walker, Jeffrey Ben 1-0

Walker, Matthew 0-1

​Walker, Rachel 2-2

Walsh, Kate 0-2
Walters, Nicholas 3-4

​Wander, Coco 0-3

​Ward, Joey 0-1

​Wassenberg, Eden 1-0

Watkins, Gardner 0-2
Watson, Darrell 0-1
Weaver, Neal 0-1

​Webber, Heather 0-2

​Wehrly, Cory 0-1

Weinstock, Josh 0-1

Welti, Michelle 0-1

Welzel, Melanie 0-2
Wertz, Jonathan 0-1
Wheeler, Travis 0-1

​Whalon, Michael 0-2

White, Cliff 0-1

White, Michael, 0-1
Whitfield, Jake 3-4

​Wicker, Kenny 0-1

Wilcox, Jesse 0-1

​Wilkins, Austin 0-1

Willis, Anjalene 0-1

​Willis, Tim 1-0

Wills, Sarah 4-1

Williams, Kyle 0-1
Williams, Josh 7-3

 *Former World Title Holder

Williams, Katlyn

Williams, Lakeshia 0-1

Williams, Miles 1-0

​Williams, Taven 1-0

Williamson, Julian 0-2

Wilson, Valerie 0-1

Winburn, Tristan 0-1

Winegarden, Alisha 1-1
Wingate, Jason “Bumpkin 1-1
Wise, Jordan 0-3

Wolff, Felipe 3-0

​Wong, Liane 0-1

​Woodley, Jason 1-0

​Woods, Sarah 1-0

​Woosley, Angela 1-0

Workman, Nicholas 0-1

Worsley, Marissa 2-0

​Wray, Kyle 1-0

Wright, Anthony 1-0
Wu, Cory 1-0

​Wyatt, Megan 1-0

Wyman, Phillip 0-2

​Yarborough, Micah 0-1

​Young, Sean 0-1

​Yost, Miranda 0-2

Yost, Tabitha 1-2
Yovanovich, Jay 2-0

Zamora, Matthew 5-0

Zekaj, Nerion 1-0
Zorio, Sean 1-0

Acosta, Brad 2-2

Acosta, Edward "Scott", Jr 0-1

Agee, Amber 7-4

Aguero, Josh 0-1

​Aguilar, Julianna  3-1

​Aistrop, Sara 0-3

Albrecht, Luke 5-0

Albuquerque, Marco 1-0

Alexandrov, Andrey 1-0

​Allen, Finley 0-1

​Allen, Michael 0-2

Almauer, ​Alicia 1-0

​Andrade, Raquel 0-1

​Andrews, Charlie 1-0

Andriani, Lance 1-0

Anson, Jake 1-1

​Anundson, Kelly 1-0

Anundson, Wendy 3-0

​Aparicio, Adam 1-1

​Aragon, Erin 2-0

​Arel, Jeremy 1-0

Arney, Dustin 1-0

​Arnold, Alexia 3-1

Arrendondo, Evan 4-2

​Asheland, Brian 1-0

​Ashley, Jacob 0-1

​Ashley, Sophia 0-1

Atkinson, Xzavier 2-3

Avilancia, ​Nicholas 0-1

​Bacallao, Joshua 1-0

*Former No-Gi Middleweight World Champion

Bakos, Annmarie 1-1

Ball, Nico 0-1

​Baker, Emma 0-2

​Bailey, Dustin 1-0

​Bailey, Mona 1-0

Baise, Audrey 4-1

​Banghart, Christian 1-0

Bakos, Annemarie 0-1

Barber, Ashley 1-0

Barberan, Max 2-0

Barnett, Brad 0-1

Barnes, Graham 0-1

​Baruch, Josh 1-0

​Barrientos, Adrianna 2-0

Barrow, Shawna 1-0

Barry, Dinah 2-0

Bartlett, Bryan 1-1

Bashaw, Cory 1-0

​Bass, Scott 0-1

​Bassir, Brian 1-0

Beaber, Brett 0-2

Beach, Rachel 0-1

​Bebber, Jason 0-1

Bell, Caleb 0-1

Bell, Miles 0-1

Bedolla, Adolfo 0-2

Benavente, Jenarae 2-1

​Bendle, Lakyn 1-1

Bergamasco, Leoandro 0-1

​Bergamasco, Lydia 2-3

​Bergey, Camden 2-0

​Besson, Aren 7-1

​Bhat, Geeta 0-1

Bigelow, Jimmy 1-0

Bilal, Ahmed 0-1

Bilbasi Leary, Eman 0-1

​Bird, Patrick 0-1

Bispo, Diego 2-0

 *Current World Champion
Bitner, Andrew  9-2 Former World Champion

Bitner, Ranndi 2-1

​Blaine, Trenton 1-1

Blanchart, Barbara 2-1
Blum, Nick 1-1

​Boutwell, Samuel 1-2

Boyington, Aaron 1-0

​Boyd, Daniel 0-1 

​Bragg, Mariah 0-1

​Braithwaite, Diallo 1-0

Branch, Daniel 2-5

​Brigman, Evan 0-1

​Briley, Ethan 0-1

​Brindisi, Carl 0-1

​Brown, Alan 1-0

​Brown, Amanda 0-1

​Brown, Ashton 1-0

​Brown, Brandon 1-0

Brown, Kenneth 1-0
Brown, Marcus 1-1

Brown, Matt 0-1

​Bryant, Cameron 0-1

Bucci, Clayton 0-1

Buchanan, Jamie 0-1

​Buck, Johnny 0-1

​Bucklen, Gabe 0-1

​Burnley, JB 0-2

​Burton, Shawn 1-1

​Bradford, Dave 0-1

Bryant, Mark 0-1
Byrd, Ned 1-0

​Caballero, Juan 0-1

​Cagle, Noah 0-1

​Calado, Lucas 1-0

​Cannada, Aaron 0-2

​Cantu, Zoe 1-1

​Cargile, Amanda 0-1

Carlucci, Kaitlin 0-2

Caron, Seth 0-1

Carpenter, Summer 4-4

Capiz, Dakota 0-1

Carrico, Tim 5-2
Carroll, Joseph 1-0
Carroll, Roger 0-1

Carter, Jessica 2-2

Case, Jennifer 1-0

  Current Heavyweight World Champion

Cash, Dana 1-1

Cazares, ​Cristian 0-1

Cepa, Eugen 0-1

​Chang, Tinah 1-0

Chapman, Heath 1-1

Chapman, Wyatt 0-1

Charles-Merrill, Preston 0-1

Chau, Nathan 4-4

Cherukuri, Aswini 1-1

Choo-Choy, Louis 1-0
Christy Cherrey 0-1

Chui, Judy 0-2

Cifers, Braedon 0-1
Claytor, Wes 1-1

Cleary, Samuel 1-0

Coats, Justin 0-1

​Coble, Steven 0-1

Coimbra, Vinicius 1-0

​Coleman, Alex 1-0

Coleman, Joe 0-2

Compton, Tim 1-0

​Connors, Melissa 1-2

​Cononge, Anna 0-1

Contreras Cristal 1-0

​Cooke, Dwayne 0-1

Copeland, Audrey 5-1

Corey, Alicia 1-0
Corbe, Deandre 5-3

 *Former World Champion

Corbe, Gavin 6-1

​Cordova, Alejandro 0-1

​Cornwell, Jack 5-1

Cornwell, Jorja 0-1

​Cortezzamora, Carlos 1-2

​Costello, Mike 3-3

​Cox, Ansley 1-0

Crandell, Brian 0-1

​Crane, Jessica 0-1

​Cratsenberg, Kim 5-1

Crelinsten, Ethan 1-0

​Crowder, Allen 1-0

Cruz, Fernando 2-1

Cuevas, Christopher 2-0

Cummings, Alex 1-0

Cuozzi, Tommy 8-2

Daily, Ethan 2-5

​Dance, Scott 0-1

​Daniels, Corey 1-0

Danilova, ​Daniela 0-1

Dao, John 0-1

Daughtry, Jeff 1-1

​Davis, Brian 0-1

Davis, Caroline 0-1

Davis, Cidney 1-0

Davis, Hannah 2-0

Davis, Marcus 1-0

Dawson, Tim 1-2

Daye, Sarah 0-1

​DaFury, Kim 1-1

de Raismes. Christopher 1-2

​Decker, Justin 0-2

​Decker, Tayler 1-0

​DeDeaux, Brianna 4-0

Demakes Mike, 1-0

Dennis, Levi 0-1

Dennis, Scotty Alan 0-1

DePriest, Travis 1-1

Diaz, Christian Jesus 1-0

​Dickson, Amanda 0-1

Discianni, AJ 0-1

Discianni, Cathryn 2-0

​Dixon, Charlene 0-1

Dixon, Desean 0-1

​Dobbins, Anna 0-1

​Dollason, Elizabeth 1-1

Donovan, Jeffery 0-1
Dorin, Max  0-1

Drucker, Kendra 0-1

Drumheller, Dana 1-2

Duarte, Gustavo 1-0

Duncan, Ross 1-1

​Dupree, Kayin 0-1

Durkee, Sa'idah 4-3

Duvall, Renee 0-1

Edwards, Adli 2-0

​Edwards, Anthony 1-0

Edwards, Brian 0-1

Edwards, Maggie 2-1
Elbert, Anthony 5-1
Elreda, Ali  0-1

Enav, Gil 1-0

​Epps, Ambaaah 2-0

​Erb, Zachary 2-1

​Estebam dos Santos, Gustavo 1-0

Estep, Dax 1-0

Estes, Michael 0-1

​Eudy, Lucas 1-4

Faison, Josh 0-1

​Faneite, Antonio 0-2

​Faulhaber, Samantha 2-0

 *Current Lightweight World Champion NOGI

Fekete, Jared 6-0

Fenton, Shayne 1-0

​Ferguson, Julie Kowalske 2-0

Ferguson, Timothy 1-0

​Ferro, Matthew 1-2

​Finn, Sam 1-0

Fitzgerald, Rich 2-0

​Fitzpatrick, Joey 1-0

​Flanagan, Sean 1-1

Flaquer, Petryus 0-1

Flodin, Matilda 0-1

Flournoy, Robert 0-1

​Flowers, Vickie 0-2

​Ford, Luke 0-1

Foster, Andrew 0-2

France, Aaron 1-0

Frank, Daniel Charles 10-2

  *Former Lightweight World Champion

​Freeman, Brian 1-0

Fry, Lilly 0-1
Fucci, Marcel 0-2

Fuentes-Ramos, Marco 10-4

Gablemann, Paul 0-1

Galvan, Keyoung  0-1

​Gantt, Michael 2-0

​Gamble, Toby 1-0

Gantt, Michael 1-1

Garavalia, Anthony 1-2

Garcia, Christian 0-1

Garcia, Kristin 1-0

Garner, Duke 1-0

​Gennette, Haley

Gharmy, Maggie 0-1

​Gibbs, Paola 1-3

​Gibson, Adam 2-1

Gioni, Gary 1-0

​Glover, Jake 1-0

GodinGreen Annika 5-1

Goodwin, Lucas 

Gonzalez, Jose 0-1

​Gordon, Matt 1-1

Gunic, Denis 1-1

Gunso, Keroro 1-1

Gurley, Bobby 2-2

Gusanu, Radu 0-2

Grecco, Grace 3-4

​Green, Thurman 4-1

Griffin, Katherine 0-1

Grimm, James 1-0

Grippo, Gianni  0-1

​Gritz Jared, 0-1

​Grubbs, Josh 4-0

​Guevara, Brian 1-1

Hable, Eric 2-4

​Hagwood, Brooke 0-1

​Hale, Justin 1-2

Hales, Tyler 0-1

Hall, Cody 1-0

​Hall, Neal 1-2

Hallyburton, Rexx 0-1

Hamilton, Stafford 3-2

Hampton, Jaron 3-2

Hand, Thomas 0-1

​Hansen, Emily 0-2

​Hauser, Emily 1-1

​Hauser, Lily 1-0

​Harding, Amir 1-2

​Harris, Amaya 6-2

 Battle of Blue Belts Champ

Harris, Nyla 3-2

Hart, Matthew 0-1

Hauser, Emily 0-1

​Haun, Tim 1-0

​Hayden, Alaina 0-1

​Hayes, Brian 2-0

Hawks, Mason 0-1

​Hazel, Niko 1-1

​Heiber, Terah 2-2

Heiser, Matt 0-1

Henderson, Eesa 0-1

Henderson, Mahmoud 2-2

​Henessey, Patrick 0-1

​Henshaw, Tone 0-1

​Hernandez, Miguel 1-0

​Hewitt, Chris 1-1

​Hicks, Logan 1-0

​Hiller, Drew 1-1

​Hinova, Diana 0-1

​Hoctor, Jimi 1-0

​Hodgens, Leilani 2-0

Hogaboom, James 0-1

Holloman, Chanan 2-5

Holloman, Katie 0-2
Holloman, Travis 1-1
Holmes, Mary 3-0

*Current World Champion

Holmes, Melanie 0-1

​Homer, Ryan 0-1

Hotchkiss, Jordan 0-1

​Huan, Erin 0-1

​Huang, Tracy 1-0

​Hubbard, Harold 0-1

Hudson, David 0-1

Huggins, Caitlin 0-1
Hughes, Larry 0-1

​Hultgren, Calvin 1-1

Humen, Oleksander 1-1

​Humphries, Luke 0-2

Hunt, Nicole 0-2

​Hunt, Troy 2-0

Hutchinson, Dylan 

Ignacio, Cynthia 1-0

​Jackson, Jordan 0-1

Jackson, Sarah 1-2

Jacobs, Tyler 0-1

​Jaffe, Allison 1-0

James, Jairod 1-0

​James, Joshua 3-2

James, Keijon 0-1

Jefferson, Aaron 0-1

Jetton, Adam 1-0

​Jimenez, Ramiro  2-0

​Johansen, Dasani 1-0

​Johnson, Jake 1-0

Johnson, Justice 0-1

​Johnston, Scott 0-1

​Jonas, Daniel 0-2

​Jones, Cody 2-1

 *Former World Title Holder

​Jones, Maggie 0-3

​Jones, Nijel 1-0

Jones, Rebecca 1-2

Jones, Terrence 0-1

​Jones, Troy 1-1

​Jordan, Jackson 0-1

July, Isaac, Jr. 2-0

​Kaiser, Lukas 1-0

​Kandris, Fotini 1-0

​Karayiannis, Michael 4-0

Kastroba, Michael Anthony 2-0

Kavesh, Cody 1-0

Kazmierczak, Jenna 0-1

​Keck, Emily 0-3

​Kelly, Jordan 2-0

​Kemp, Daniel 0-1

Kendrick, Bradley 1-0

Kennedy, Braedon 1-1

Kennett, Tim 3-0

​Ketterhagen, Milo 4-0

Khokhar, Shayaan 0-1

Khonje, Kondwani  1-0

Kiernan, Renee 1-2
Kim, Jinho 0-1

King, Andy 0-1

King, Lee 1-0

​King, Hassan 1-0

​Kirk, Liam 1-1

Kirk, Vernon 2-5

Kleemoff, Tayler, 0-1

Knight, Brandon 0-1

​Kochel, Andrew 0-1

Kopa, Georges 0-1

Kouba, Sara 1-0

Kouloganes, Anastasia 2-1

​Krebs, Karl 1-0

Kurtzman, Chelsea 0-4

Kyle, Lauren 1-2

​Lagos, Ben Jammin' 0-1

Lang, Jesse 1-1

​Langston, Dakota 0-1

LaFree, Ryan 1-1

Lahman, Alex 2-2

​Lancaster, Allison 2-0

​Lane, Devin 1-0

​Lang, Gannon 2-2

​Lanning, Jonathan 0-2

Larmey, Alex 0-1

LaRosa, Tara 1-0

Laszacs, Lucas 2-2

​Lathrop, Braxton 0-1

Law, Chris 0-1

Lawton, Jarod 3-1

 *Former World Title Holder
Leclerc, Pierre-Olivier 1-0

Lee, Joseph 1-0

​Lee, McKenzie 0-2

​Leheny, Ryan 0-1 

​Lehman, Jed 1-1

Lemos, Christina 0-1

​Lennon, Keri 3-1

Levi-Forsajt, Nora 0-1

Lewin, Cliff 0-1
Lewter, Chris 7-2

​ *Current World Title Holder

Licata, Katherine 0-1

Lillard, Robbie 1-0

Lima, Dennis 0-1

Lines, Mikey 3-1

Linn, Christina 3-1

Lilje, Pete 0-1

Little, Brent 1-0

Long, Eleni 0-1

​Long, Weylin 1-0

​Lopez, Ricky 1-1

Loushin, Wil 4-1

Loyed, Jennie 0-2

Luk, Jeff 1-1

​Lyle, Andrew 0-1

Lyons, Kyvaughn 0-1